How a Terrifying “Blood Sugar Disaster” Led To The Discovery Of What Some Experts Are Calling…

The Blood Sugar Shuttle

That Quickly Clears Your Blood Of Excess Glucose, Enhances Insulin Sensitivity, And Boosts Your Metabolism

… All without dangerous or costly prescriptions, hard to follow diets, or inconvenient doctors visits.

“Matt...they’re going to have to amputate.”

It felt like a punch in the gut. I felt shocked, sad, and hopeless when my wife said that to me when she called me from the hospital.

See, we always knew irregular blood sugar ran in my wife’s family. I knew my Mother-in-law had diabetes but I didn’t know it was that bad. It got to the point where they had to amputate one of her feet.

But it didn’t end there… Her health hit another crisis event.

She had been taken to the emergency room where things were NOT looking good. When I arrived my wife was in tears...and then the doctor briefed me on what was happening.

“I’m sorry,” was the first thing I heard him say.

“We’re going to have to amputate the other foot.”

I looked over at my wife and I could see the fear and sadness in her eyes. The fear of losing her Mom was overwhelming.

Her Mom would be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. We decided to take care of her and she’s been living with us ever since.

Unfortunately, the problems didn’t end there… Her mother had suffered yet another MASSIVE blood sugar spike.

A few months after she moved in, we had to call the ambulance because her blood sugar was 640. Anything above 200 is considered in the danger zone. 640 is an emergency.

A few months after that incident my wife tested her blood sugar levels and it was 240. Frankly, It freaked me out a bit and my heart sank...

“I Knew That If My Wife Didn’t Change The Path She Was Currently On... It Could Be Her On That Operating Table One Day...”

There is a silver lining to this story. See, I was already working on blood sugar management formulas to help people lose weight easily, gain lean muscle mass, and go from normal to superhuman health.

So when my wife’s levels reached a terrifying 240, I gave her a few capsules of my current formula...

Her blood sugar dropped to 120 within the hour.

I also gave my Mother-in-law the prototypes and her blood sugar has been stable ever since. And she was able to lower her insulin dosage significantly.

What’s the secret?

Something called “The Blood Sugar Shuttle”

And it works regardless of whether you’ve:

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    Battled with irregular blood sugar all your life...

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    If blood sugar concerns run in your family (like my wife)...

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    Or if you’re just now beginning to suffer from the toxic effects of irregular blood sugar

What’s even better, the “Blood Sugar Shuttle” doesn’t involve any sort of dangerous medication... no strict, bland, or boring diets... needles, or anything like that.

So let’s quickly dive in, because I have a LOT to share with you.

My name is Matt Gallant.

I’m a health nut who’s been obsessed with finding breakthrough health solutions for the last 28 years.

I’m the CEO and Co-Founder of BiOptimizers where we have assembled an “Avengers” level team of formulators and scientists that help us create the best-in-class formulas that can help you maximize your health, aesthetics, and performance.

And just like all the other health and performance issues my team and I have tackled through the years...

I knew there had to be a natural way to overcome irregular blood sugar.

So after my mother-in-law’s tragedy, I dove in deep.

For months I spent hours online, laboring over studies, sharing research I’d found with my team, brainstorming, debating, and diving deeper into the biology of blood sugar.

We studied every bio-pathway of blood sugar metabolism. We found ways to optimize each part.

When it was all said and done we discovered that the best way to naturally lower blood sugar was to use something we call...

“The Blood Sugar Shuttle”

Put simply...It’s a completely natural way to clear your blood of excess sugar. And as you’re about to discover, it’s the missing key to healthy, stable, and balanced blood sugar...

Let me explain.

You see, the cells of your body use an internal system that has to function properly at all times in order to establish and maintain healthy blood sugar.

And one of the biggest drivers behind all of this is something known as the chromodulin molecule, which is activated in the presence of insulin.

When insulin is present, the chromodulin molecule changes its shape and its location inside your cell. When it triggers the activation of something called a glucose transporter molecule.

One of the most important glucose transporter molecules is known as GLUT4.

And as you would expect, GLUT4 transports glucose from your blood into your cells.

Once activated, these GLUT4 molecules shift their location from deep within your cells to a position located on the surface of the cell.

Once it's in place...the GLUT4 molecules create the ultimate blood sugar shuttle, allowing glucose to flow from your blood into your cells.

Think of them as little toll bridges that allow glucose to move from your blood supply into your cells, which then lowers your blood sugar.

Pretty cool, right?

Now as you can probably imagine... The more GLUT4 molecules you have (the more bridges you have for glucose to cross) the more efficient your body becomes at clearing sugar out of your blood.

We call it a “shuttle” because by adding more GLUT4 molecules and building more bridges it gives glucose “another route” into the cell...a faster route that makes clearing sugar from the blood more efficient.

Makes sense, right?

Unfortunately, the longer someone suffers with irregular blood sugar the more likely they are to develop issues with GLUT4.

Luckily, as you’re about to see there IS a solution.

And the first part of that solution involves something scientists call “Trace Minerals…”

Trace minerals, also called micro minerals, are essential minerals that the human body MUST get from food.

And when it comes to creating a blood sugar shuttle and maximizing blood sugar control, one particular trace mineral holds the keys to the kingdom.

It’s called...


And as you can probably guess, it works directly on the chromodulin molecule...

Which means that chromium can directly increase production of GLUT4 transporter molecules themselves…

Meaning it can build MORE bridges…

However, the key to getting the best possible results is something known as SYNERGY. And everything we do at BiOptimizers is built around this key concept. Which means that 2 + 2 = 10

Here’s one great example:

See, as powerful as chromium is for glucose metabolism... it works even better when combined with one other nutrient. [1]


That’s because biotin activates certain enzymes related to sugar metabolism and it enhances the release of insulin. And insulin helps to activate GLUT4.

See how that works?

Together with chromium, biotin provides a sort of 1-2 punch against high blood sugar by increasing insulin sensitivity -- while improving your ability to transport glucose from the blood into the cells.

And we’re just getting warmed up… I knew we could multiply the effectiveness of the formula another 300-500%.

I Reached Out to One of the World’s Leading Formulators for Help...

Earlier in my research, I had heard about a man who was considered to be the best formulator in the world. In fact, it was said that he was the secret weapon for some of the top supplement companies in the world.

I’m going to call him David—to protect his anonymity. And after some back and forth negotiations...He agreed to help us create the ultimate blood sugar shuttle creating formula.

So we got to work immediately ordering dozens and dozens of nutrients that had been studied in blood sugar tests.

Within a matter of months, our brand new formula was finally ready.

So in addition to premium chromium and biotin we initially added six additional blood-sugar-shuttle-nutrients...

Starting with...

Pure Mediterranean Propolis

which comes from French maritime pine trees…

In one double-blind randomized controlled trial, published in Nature Scientific Reports [2], researchers found that propolis massively improved blood sugar control.

It also helped with inflammation markers—and supported organ health in those with blood sugar issues.

  • That study compared 50 subjects who took 1000 mg/day of propolis with 44 subjects who took the placebo for 90 days.
  • At the end of the study, the propolis group experienced the following improvements compared to the placebo group: Lower overall blood sugar by 8 — in just 3 months
  • Lower 2-hour post-meal blood sugar by 28.6%, suggesting better blood sugar control
  • Lower insulin by 50.8%
  • Improved insulin sensitivity based on a 46.6%

How does it work?

Well, according to a team of Japanese researchers Propolis helps with lower blood glucose through it’s activity of GLUT4 activation. In other words, it activates the blood sugar shuttle. [3]

The next ingredient was...

Tibetan Holy Fruit Extract 300:1

Sea buckthorn, also known as “holy fruit” in Tibet, is found in centuries-old medicinal texts in Tibet and China.

Recently, science has come to discover its dense nutritional content of omega 3, 6, 7, and 9—plus vitamins and antioxidants.

Sea Buckthorn’s antioxidant ability is 70X stronger than vitamin C.

And its antioxidant richness is one aspect researchers believe to be a contributing factor in its ability to help with blood sugar. [4]

We then added...

Alpha R-Lipoic Acid

R-Lipoic Acid is the most active isomer of alpha-lipoic acid, which is a versatile antioxidant.

In adolescents with blood sugar challenges, lipoic acid improved blood vessel function.

Even without dieting, lipoic acid can help boost fat metabolism. [5]

As a result, more of the sugars and fats in foods will be broken down and used for energy instead of being stored as fat.

This will also cause you to feel the need to eat less. [6]

In several other studies with overweight or obese subjects [7], lipoic acid was associated with slight weight loss accompanied by a reduction in waist inches.

In obese patients with more severe blood sugar-related challenges [8], people given lipoic acid lost significantly more weight and had lower triglyceride levels.

And in a study published in the journal Metabolism a team of Israeli researchers discovered that Lipoic Acid Increases GLUT4 activation inside the cells, resulting in a decrease in blood glucose. [9]

Next we added a therapeutic dose of...


Benfotiamine is a fat-soluble derivative of thiamine.

Thiamine is best known as Vitamin B1 and for its critical role in energy metabolism, hormone regulation, activation of the immune system, and more.

Benfotiamine therapy appears to be a potential strategy for preventing neuropathy (something my mother-in-law experienced) -- a severe complication of blood sugar problems, associated with a high risk of heart disease and mortality.

In fact, according to a study published in German researchers Benfotiamine blocks three major pathways of hyperglycemic damage. [10]

A dose of

Gymnema Leaf Extract.

Gymnema sylvestre is a potent blood sugar-regulating plant and used in folk, ayurvedic, and homeopathic systems of medicine.

Currently, gymnemic acids are being sold in the form of Gymnema Tea [11], for curbing obesity. In Japan, there are teas being made from G. sylvestre leaves and are promoted as a natural method for controlling obesity and diabetes.

According to research [12], it works by:

  • Increasing secretion of insulin
  • Increasing utilization of glucose: it is shown to increase the activities of enzymes
  • And causes inhibition of glucose absorption from your gut

And finally a powerful nutrient called...


Fucoxanthin is an antioxidant isolated from edible brown seaweeds.

Recent studies have reported that fucoxanthin has many powerful properties for regulating blood sugar.

Many studies [13] suggest that fucoxanthin plays an antiobesity effect by stimulating the burning of “white fat” (this is the fat you see on the body, especially around the midsection).

With these powerful nutrients added to the already incredible formula, we had something truly special.

Which is why I’m so proud to introduce you to...

Blood Sugar Breakthrough

This brand new blood sugar formula is truly the most powerful, natural solution to clear your blood of excess sugar.

It works through the combined power of chromium and biotin.

… Which works to activate the blood sugar shuttle by unlocking the power of GLUT4.

It's been fortified by other potent ingredients including Pure Meditarranean Propolis, Tibetan Holy Fruit, Alpha R-Lipoic Acid, Benfotiamine, Gymnema Sylvestre, and Fucoxanthin.

Meaning that it’s a potent formula you won’t find anywhere else.

Honestly, we could have just stopped here...

But David isn’t considered the world's best formulator for nothing...and I didn’t just want to have a “great” formula. I wanted the BEST formula ever….so we made Blood Sugar Breakthrough even stronger…


By adding five patented ingredients.

Starting with…


a patented version of Bitter Melon Extract

Chronic low-grade inflammation hurts your body in many ways, but none more than your blood sugar.

This is due to something called lipopolysaccharides (LPS), which are rogue bacteria toxins that leak into the bloodstream in response to high-fat, high-sugar meals.

LPS can activate chronic low-grade inflammation, creating a vicious cycle that contributes to insulin resistance, obesity, and BIG problems with processing carbohydrates after meals.

Luckily, a 2020 study published in the journal Molecules found that bitter melon can potently inhibit the inflammatory response in those with high blood sugar. [14]

What’s more, in a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry researchers found that Bitter Melon enhances insulin signaling through its activation of GLUT4. [15]

Next we added...


a patented version of Dihydroberberine

Berberine has been shown to optimize blood sugar, improving insulin sensitivity and body composition (aka body fat levels).

In other words, it initiates the blood sugar shuttle through the activation of GLUT4. In one study published in the journal Biochimie, researchers found that dihydroberberine increases GLUT4 production and increases glucose absorption from the blood. [16]

Dihydroberberine is recognized to be 5x more bioavailable than standard berberine and 2x longer lasting in the bloodstream (4 hours vs 8 hours).

Dihydroberberine is touted for its beneficial use in insulin resistance and blood sugar-challenged patients—because of its positive effect on serum blood glucose levels.

These beneficial effects are related in part to the ability of the nutrient to activate AMPK4 [17], which is a pathway that helps improve metabolism.

Cinnulin PF

a patented bioactive water extract of cinnamon

Cinnulin PF was the next standardized and patented ingredient added to our formula... it’s like “cinnamon on steroids”...

Cinnamon all by itself has proven to help reduce blood glucose... but Cinnulin PF takes it to another level.

In fact, Cinnulin effectively boosts insulin sensitivity in those predisposed to blood sugar issues.

In one study [18], results showed that subjects in the Cinnulin PF group experienced major decreases in fasting blood glucose levels—and impressive improvements in insulin sensitivity.

In other words, when it comes to blood sugar, Cinnulin PF puts store-bought cinnamon to shame.

In the researcher’s own words:

“These data support the efficacy of Cinnulin PF® supplementation on reducing fasting blood glucose and improving body composition in men and women with the metabolic syndrome [a factor in blood sugar issues].”

And according to one study published in the journal Diabetes Science and Technology, its primary method of action on decreasing blood glucose levels is through an increase in GLUT4 expression [19]. In other words, it works through the activation of the blood sugar shuttle

We also added...


a patent ingredient from two breakthrough herbs

InnoSlim is a patent ingredient composed of highly purified and fractionated Panax notoginseng and Astragalus membranaceus.

It has been shown in 18 in-vitro, two in-vivo, and one human clinical study to reduce glucose or sugar absorption in the intestines and increase glucose absorption in the muscle and fat cells. [20]

It also increases adiponectin levels (a hormone that plays a major role in appetite and weight loss) and reduces insulin resistance.

The results of taking it can include healthy weight loss by reduced excess glucose absorption, appetite suppression, and increased fat burning.

And finally...


a patented Banaba Leaf Extract

Remember: Glucose that is not transported into cells stagnates in the blood and is often converted into fat.

Elevated blood sugar levels not only lead to weight gain but also to glycation, a specific type of damage you want to avoid.

In human studies, Glucofit™ reduced blood sugar levels very effectively. [21]

Together, these ingredients work overtime to combat irregular blood sugar through the activation of GLUT4 and the “blood sugar shuttle.”

There’s NOTHING like it anywhere.

Look, a typical “blood sugar formula” out there has 2-5 nutrients...

This New Formula Has 13 Scientifically Proven And Fully Synergized Nutrients Inside Every Single Capsule… And 5 Of Them Are Patented

Which means they’re not easy to get.…

… that’s why so many companies never use them, and why you’ll hardly ever find them on the list of ingredients on any other “blood sugar” formula.

(Trust me, I checked).

But the goal wasn’t just to create another blood sugar was to create THE blood sugar supplement.

The “first draft” formula worked wonders for my wife…

But I wanted to be SURE these additional ingredients made it even better—so we began testing it with others.

We created an initial test-group of a dozen people who were willing to measure their blood sugar levels after EVERY SINGLE MEAL.

No exceptions.

So we put it to the test.

Taking this formula helped stabilize blood sugar levels significantly before and after meals.

These Initial Test Results Exceeded Our Wildest Dreams

Blood Sugar Breakthrough vs Baseline

By this point, I’d seen all the proof I needed…

The earlier formula worked well...

And now this new and improved formula worked like magic for a dozen others who were carefully monitoring their blood sugar…

Now, you could try and find all these ingredients and put them together for yourself…

Especially since I’ve already given you the “recipe."

But finding each of these ingredients separately (and at the right quality to be effective) is actually pretty damn hard

Not to mention, the five patented nutrients we’ve included in Blood Sugar Breakthrough are not sold to the public.

Plus they’re SUPER expensive.

Each dose can cost upwards of $10.

And that’s just for the five patented ingredients. It’s a lot more when you add in the other eight...

So the fact that you can get them all in one place without having to pay anywhere near $300 is a pretty phenomenal deal.

Now I bet you’re wondering just how you can get your hands on a supply of Blood Sugar Breakthrough…

So let me tell you how to do that.

(And show you the exclusive discount I’ve prepared for you on this page only).

First, Blood Sugar Breakthrough uses only the highest quality ingredients.

I know everyone says that…

… But we really mean it.

Here’s why.

  • For one, we only use “therapeutic grade” ingredients shipped from around the world.

  • Two, everything is processed in our GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) Certified facility which has to pass routine, rigorous inspections that ensure everything is safe, sterile, and up-to-date.

  • Three, we make Blood Sugar Breakthrough in small batches to ensure freshness.

  • And four, every single dose of Blood Sugar Breakthrough is carefully packaged into pharmaceutical-grade, easy-to-swallow capsules...

… Which ensures that you’re not putting ANYTHING into your body besides the powerful, natural ingredients you see listed on the label.

Now, since we use ingredients sourced from all over the world...

And given everything that’s going on in the world — from pandemics to ships going sideways in the Suez canal — sometimes we run out of ingredients between batches.

And since we flat out refuse to compromise on the quality of our ingredients, sometimes it takes weeks before we have another batch ready to go.

Of course, I wish this never happened.

But that’s just the reality of making a product with this standard of quality.

And given all of this...

…most people end up ordering a large supply of Blood Sugar Breakthrough at one time.

(Especially when they hear about the “special savings” we’ve put together).

This way they never have to worry about “out of stocks” between batches or having to go even a single day without using Blood Sugar Breakthrough.

Why’s that important?

Well, because...

the longer that you use Blood Sugar Breakthrough, the better results you see.

Of course this is true with a lot of formulas.

… But it’s especially true of Blood Sugar Breakthrough because in nearly every study I’ve shared with you, the greatest effect was shown between 3 and 6 months of use.

Now don’t get me wrong…

… You'll likely notice a profound difference in your blood sugar in just a couple of days (sometimes from the very first use) once you start using Blood Sugar Breakthrough.

(If you’re like most of our customers).

But this effect only increases the longer that you take it.

Which is why my wife takes Blood Sugar Breakthrough every single day (so do thousands of people).

I count it as the #1 reason why she’s been able to keep her irregular blood sugar at bay.

And it’s why I think it’s best to think of Blood Sugar Breakthrough as part of your daily routine, almost like a multivitamin.

Now, of course, I love that so many people can rely on Blood Sugar Breakthrough daily…

… But all of this attention puts even more strain on our supply, which makes “out of stocks” that much more common.

So that’s another reason why so many people stock up on a larger supply at once.

After seeing so many people “stock up” on Blood Sugar Breakthrough, I decided to put together a “special savings” to make it easier for people to order more at once.

You can get your hands on a 1-month supply of Blood Sugar Breakthrough for just $75.

This is a pretty incredible deal considering that you’re getting therapeutic-grade chromium and biotin, as well as 6 additional biologically active nutrients, PLUS 5 patented ingredients all rolled up into one...

… And at a HUGE discount.

But I want to make the deal even better.

A lot of people like to order a 3-month or 6-month supply at a time so they’re never left without it...

So to make it easier for people who wanted to order a larger supply at a time...

… you can order a 3-month supply of Blood Sugar Breakthrough for just $59 per bottle as part of my new “Blood Sugar Shuttle” campaign.

And when you order a 6-month supply…

… You get an even bigger discount, meaning that you can get a 6 month's supply of Blood Sugar Breakthrough for just $49 per bottle.

And given the fact that you can’t even find a halfway decent bottle of plain ol’ chromium for much less than that, this deal is really one of the most generous offers you’ll find anywhere.

If you’re like the overwhelming majority of Blood Sugar Breakthrough’s users…

Then you’ll be blown away by your results taking these blood sugar regulating nutrients...

But in the highly unlikely event you aren’t blown away…

  • If you don’t notice that your numbers get better week after week…

  • If your energy doesn’t become better and more stable throughout the day...

  • If you don’t notice positive changes on the scale...

  • If your friends don’t start saying, “you look good! what are you doing?”

Simply call the BiOptimizers, US-based customer support team at 1-800-719-2467 or email us at [email protected] and we’ll send a refund.


one whole year — to decide.

That’s unprecedented.

So now that you know you're protected by our 365-day guarantee...

… This should be one of the easiest decisions you’ve ever made...

All you have to do is click the button below to order your 6-month supply, or whichever amount makes the most sense to you.

But you have to act fast...

Because, like I said, Blood Sugar Breakthrough is made in small batches, and the last time I checked they were flying off the shelves.

I can’t tell you when we'll run out next…

(It might be a few days from now, or it could be today).

But as long as you don’t see an “out of stock” icon anywhere on this page, then place your order right now for a 6-month supply, or whatever amount seems right to you.

Try Blood Sugar Breakthrough RISK‑FREE


6 Bottles

Blood Sugar Breakthrough

$57.00/ bottle

($345 TOTAL)

Save 23% + FREE SHIPPING (US & CA)

365-Day Money Back Guarantee

1 Bottle

Blood Sugar Breakthrough

$75.00/ bottle


365-Day Money Back Guarantee


3 Bottles

Blood Sugar Breakthrough

$65.00/ bottle

($195 TOTAL)

Save 13% + FREE SHIPPING (US & CA)

365-Day Money Back Guarantee

Remember that you’re protected by an unconditional, 365-day guarantee which means that you take on ZERO risk when you invest in Blood Sugar Breakthrough today...

I stand behind Blood Sugar Breakthrough 100%...

And sincerely cannot think of a better way for you to get your irregular blood sugar under control.

Now given all of this…

You could choose to leave this page and forget everything I’ve shared with you.

But if you do, I have to ask...

… What will change?

You already know why traditional blood sugar solutions don’t work.

You’ve also seen that the combination of chromium and biotin is the only natural compound proven to safely activate the blood sugar shuttle.

Plus, when you combine it with the 6 additional blood sugar lowering nutrients and the 5 patented ingredients...

You can finally experience a new life of freedom, energy, and health...

just like my wife did.

I want you to imagine waking up feeling fully energized, without the fear and worry that your blood sugar will be high.

Imagine not having to stress or worry about what you eat, or that your next blood test will show that things are getting worse.

Imagine having the energy to do whatever you want and the confidence that comes from feeling truly alive again.

All of that and more can be your reality with Blood Sugar Breakthrough.

Obviously, whatever choice you make is completely up to you…

… But since you're 100% protected by a 365-day guarantee, doesn't it make sense just to try it out and see how it works for you?

I don't want you to miss out on this opportunity.

I don’t want you to have to go through another day of dealing with irregular blood sugar.

And I don't want life to pass you by the way it does for so many people, including my mother-in-law.

… Especially when the answer is right here in front of you.

I know that if someone offered my wife the chance to try something like this completely risk-free she would have jumped on it in a heartbeat…

… So don't miss out.

Go ahead and place your order now :)

I hope to see you on the other side.

Thank you for reading.

And here’s to better blood sugar.

Matt Gallant

  • CEO, and Co-Founder of BiOptimizers
  • Bachelor's Degree in Kinesiology and Sc. of Phys. Act
  • Conditioning Coach for Multiple Pro-Athletes
Click here to see some of the amazing research showing why Blood Sugar Breakthrough is one of the most powerful supplements you can take

[1] Albarracin, C.A., Fuqua, B.C., Evans, J.L. and Goldfine, I.D. (2008), Chromium picolinate and biotin combination improves glucose metabolism in treated, uncontrolled overweight to obese patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Metab. Res. Rev., 24: 41-51.

[2] Zakerkish, M., Jenabi, M., Zaeemzadeh, N. et al. The Effect of Iranian Propolis on Glucose Metabolism, Lipid Profile, Insulin Resistance, Renal Function and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial. Sci Rep 9, 7289 (2019).

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[6] Huerta AE, Navas-Carretero S, Prieto-Hontoria PL, Martínez JA, Moreno-Aliaga MJ. Effects of α-lipoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid in overweight and obese women during weight loss. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2015 Feb;23(2):313-21. doi: 10.1002/oby.20966. Epub 2014 Dec 31. PMID: 25594166.

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[9] Khamaisi M, Potashnik R, Tirosh A, Demshchak E, Rudich A, Tritschler H, Wessel K, Bashan N. Lipoic acid reduces glycemia and increases muscle GLUT4 content in streptozotocin-diabetic rats. Metabolism. 1997 Jul;46(7):763-8. doi: 10.1016/s0026-0495(97)90120-7. PMID: 9225829.

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[11] Kanetkar, P., Singhal, R., & Kamat, M. (2007). Gymnema sylvestre: A Memoir. Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition, 41(2), 77–81.

[12] Kanetkar, P., Singhal, R., & Kamat, M. (2007). Gymnema sylvestre: A Memoir. Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition, 41(2), 77–81.

[13] Zhang, H., Tang, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, S., Qu, J., Wang, X., Kong, R., Han, C., & Liu, Z. (2015). Fucoxanthin: A Promising Medicinal and Nutritional Ingredient. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2015, 723515.

[14] Lee SY, Wong WF, Dong J, Cheng KK. Momordica charantia Suppresses Inflammation and Glycolysis in Lipopolysaccharide-Activated RAW264.7 Macrophages. Molecules. 2020 Aug 20;25(17):3783. doi: 10.3390/molecules25173783. PMID: 32825228; PMCID: PMC7504525.

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